Sunday, November 15, 2020

Spatial Enhancement, Multispectral Data, and Band Indices

 This week we returned to ERDAS Imagine to explore the various filters that can be used within the program to manipulate imagery.  It is possible to manipulate spatial data in such a way to enhance it so that certain features become more apparent or more generalized.  Filters use kernels which are a kind of matrix that calculates out the new data for the new image.  The type of calculation used and the size of the kernel determines the look of the final product.

Another thing you can do in ERDAS Imagine is look at the histogram for a piece of imagery.  This histogram shows the frequency of a value.  The more common the value is within a band the more common it is.  It is possible to display the same imagery through a wide mix of the different bands the imagery was collected in so that the desired elements are better highlighted.

This collection of maps shows different elements within the imagery that we were assigned to find via histogram values.  The difference subsections are all shown via a different collection of bands as to highlight the different aspects featured.

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